Online Enrollment Application

Online Enrollment Application

Online Student Enrollment Application

Welcome to A Place To Grow Childern's Center

Welcome to A Place To Grow and Thank you for the opportunity to serve your family! Please complete the enrollment papers completely, leaving no blank spaces. Also, ask for assistance with any areas that are unclear.

If you have any questions give us a call at 304-469-6687.

Step 1 of 9

A Place To Grow Children’s Center

Application for Childcare Services

Each family must have a pre-enrollment conference with the director or assistant director to exchange information about the center’s program and the specific needs of the child. The following information is requested to assist the center in providing the best possible individualized care for your child. Please feel free to add any additional information that might be relevant to childcare.
Child's Name(Required)
Child's Birthday(Required)
If your child will attend on a regular schedule, please indicate below. In addition, each child MUST be signed up to attend on the weekly sign-up sheets.
Has your child had experience being cared for in a group setting, by a relative, or a non-relative?
Has your child received Birth to Three services?
Is your child receiving services from any outside agencies?
Does your child have an IEP?
Do you have any concerns about your child’s development?
Other children in the family
To add more names click the + symbol at the end of this row.

Parent/Guardian’s Signature(Required)

Where a Lifetime of Friendship and Learning Begins

A Place To Grow